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Glossary Notes and Examples

Often database field names in tables are written as tablename.fieldname and that is the convention planned for this documentation, including the use of Courier New font..

The reference manual will contain table information with fields in the order as they are in the database table.

The manuals will also contain a glossary which provides all the field names in alpha order. Since there are similar field names in multiple tables and since the glossary does not allow duplicate terms, the glossary will use the naming convention of fieldname [tablename]. This will allow association of case-sensitive, and/or database duplicate, field names to the correct table.

Glossary terms will be associated with content in this documentation.

In the case of online help, the glossary term will be available as a hover or pop-up and provide the term definition.

In the case of a PDF or Word doc, the glossary term will be available as a footnote on the page(s) where the term appears, see the footnote below.

In order to make the glossary association work, and wherever we want it to work, the document will need to have the identical glossary term in the content.

For example for the term FO_LabInfo.epi_billto_options which would be in the content, for the term's glossary definition to be available, the content would need to contain the identical glossary term.

To make the glossary definition available, there would be a need to use the convention

FO_LabInfo.epi_billto_options, epi_billto_options [FO_LabInfo]Populates billto option drop-down list on the episode definition screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid bill to options separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. IE: |P|C|I|, to provide all the information to a reader, as a pop-up or hover (as we choose) in the online help and as a footnote in a PDF.